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Uncover your strengths, step into your power, and grow your business like the boss you know you can be.

Business, Purpose Jessica Dowches-Wheeler Business, Purpose Jessica Dowches-Wheeler

How to Use Your Strengths to Stand Out in Your Business

“Who am I to start a business?”

“There are already thousands of coaches/consultants/business owners out there – what makes me so special?”

“Who would want to work with me?”

Do any of those questions seem familiar?

We often doubt our uniqueness, especially when we see so many people doing what we want to do.

You might also downplay your strengths, assuming everyone can do the same things you can do.

That couldn’t be farther from the truth!

Your strengths are part of your unique blueprint – they’re the skills, thoughts and behaviors that come most naturally to you.

And you can leverage this uniqueness to stand out in your business, attract your dream clients, and make the impact you long to make in the world.

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Career Coaching, Women Empowerment, Purpose Jessica Dowches-Wheeler Career Coaching, Women Empowerment, Purpose Jessica Dowches-Wheeler

How to Really Own Your Strengths

Are you owning or renting your strengths?

That might seem like an odd question to ask, but many of us don’t realize our true potential because we have no idea what our strengths are.

And, even if you do know your strengths, you may not always own them.

You don’t want to sound braggy or arrogant when talking about yourself, so you downplay your strengths and diminish your accomplishments.

Instead of taking responsibility for their own insecurity, people may criticize or judge you for your strengths. If that happens, you might think your greatest strengths are actually a weakness or something you should hide.

It’s time to really own your strengths!

You have a unique blueprint of strengths that make you who you are. In fact, according to Gallup, the chances of someone else having the same strengths as you in the same order is 1 in 33 million.

So you are literally one in a million!

When you own your strengths and continue to build them, you can achieve your biggest goals and dreams.

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Business, Women Empowerment, Purpose Jessica Dowches-Wheeler Business, Women Empowerment, Purpose Jessica Dowches-Wheeler

How to Start a Business Using Your Strengths

Have you ever dreamed of starting your own business?

Women make up about 36% of business owners around the world, and the number of women-owned businesses have increased by 114% over the last 20 years.

With so many small businesses out there, especially in the coaching, health and wellness, and consulting industries, it’s important to set yourself apart.

Starting a business that’s aligned with your strengths and passions is one way to stand out from the crowd and attract your dream clients.

Using your unique blueprint, you can start a business that works for you, instead of trying to fit yourself into someone else’s mold.

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Career Coaching, Life Coaching Jessica Dowches-Wheeler Career Coaching, Life Coaching Jessica Dowches-Wheeler

3 Keys to Leading with Your Strengths in a Male-Dominated Field

Have you ever been told you’re bossy? Aggressive? Too much? What about too emotional? You’re too nice?

Do you struggle to find the balance between being respected and liked at work? Do you struggle to find balance at all?

If you’re like most women, you likely said yes to any (or all) of the above questions. And let’s face it: this double-edged sword of trying to hide our feminine strengths to fit into a masculine work environment is holding women back.

Women are asking for raises and getting promotions at the same rate as men, yet we have a long way to go to close the gender gap. We need a new approach to leadership, one where traditional feminine strengths are recognized and rewarded. Playing by the old rules of leadership is over.

Yet, when we try to adopt a traditionally masculine approach to leadership (i.e. authoritative rather than participative), disconnect with our emotions, and focus on our weaknesses rather than our strengths, the gap in female leaders grows wider.

It’s time to own who you are and what you bring to the table.

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Turn Your Strengths & Passions into a Thriving Business

Want a career you’ll actually love? Learn to turn your strengths and passions into a thriving business in three simple steps.

In this free 90-minute masterclass, you will:

  • Learn how to leverage your strengths, skills, and career experience to start a business that aligns with who you are

  • Understand how you can get paid for what you already know – at double (or triple!) your current rates

  • Unlock the steps to start a business where you can do what you love every day – and make a meaningful impact