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Uncover your strengths, step into your power, and grow your business like the boss you know you can be.

Practice, Spirituality, Wellbeing Jessica Dowches-Wheeler Practice, Spirituality, Wellbeing Jessica Dowches-Wheeler

How to Create Your Own Spiritual Retreat

Living your purpose and being of service to others is an incredible expression of your destiny and your reason for being on this Earth.

And, if you’re putting yourself last to take care of everyone else, you know it can also take a toll on your mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual health.

Remember: “you can’t pour from an empty cup.”

To continue to show up and serve others as the most authentic and powerful you, it’s important to take time to refresh your mind, replenish your soul, and rejuvenate your body.

One of the best ways to do that is with an at-home spiritual retreat.

Don’t get me wrong, I’d love to attend a spiritual retreat in a beautiful location, away from the demands of my busy life. But that’s not always possible during a pandemic!

An at-home spiritual retreat is a way to build a connection with God/Spirit/Universe through self-reflection, self-tending, and spiritual activities.

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Life Coaching, Wellbeing Jessica Dowches-Wheeler Life Coaching, Wellbeing Jessica Dowches-Wheeler

Why You Should Prioritize Wellbeing Over Productivity

The Coronavirus pandemic has upended our lives and demanded more from all of us. We’re navigating a new world of extreme telework, we’re stocking up on months’ worth of food and household supplies, we’re taking on more responsibilities at work and at home.

There are more virtual happy hours, family dinners, coffee chats, and Meetups than one could possibly fit into a week. There are more deadlines, more meetings, more assignments. There’s more pressure to perform, more pressure to get it right.

And there’s more burnout.

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Wellbeing, Life Coaching Jessica Dowches-Wheeler Wellbeing, Life Coaching Jessica Dowches-Wheeler

Mindset & Habits for Powerful Change

I hate exercising.

If you’ve been following me for awhile, you know this is true. I detest it. I avoid it at all costs. If there is an option between going to the gym or doing something else, I will always pick the other option. Especially if it involves wine.

But, I know that exercise is the one thing missing in my wellbeing routine. I know that exercise is key to preventing chronic illness and can reduce my chances of developing breast cancer (even though I have the genetic mutation that increases my risk).

I know that exercise will help me stay mindful and present and keep my energy levels high. I know it will raise my good cholesterol and lower my bad cholesterol. I know it’s a part of self-care and taking care of my body and setting the foundation for my future health.

I know all of this. So why do I still avoid it?

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Wellbeing, Life Coaching Jessica Dowches-Wheeler Wellbeing, Life Coaching Jessica Dowches-Wheeler

Why Diet & Exercise Doesn’t Work and What Does

I recently had a conversation with a friend, talking about our various health issues. I started a new job this past week, and the transition from full-time entrepreneurship to full-time employment was harder than I anticipated! I was waking up in the night with racing thoughts and anxiety, I was hungry all the time, and I noticed my energy changing throughout the day.

She was frustrated with her weight. She started a new diet a few months ago and consistently lost a bunch of weight in the first several weeks. But now, she hasn’t lost a single pound in the last month. She’s been keeping up with her diet and exercise routine, but it’s not having the same impact that it did in the beginning.

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Women Empowerment, Wellbeing Jessica Dowches-Wheeler Women Empowerment, Wellbeing Jessica Dowches-Wheeler

Why You Need a Personal Mission Statement

This time last year, I could barely get off the couch. I was in a job that destroyed my confidence, I was drinking too much, and I had a long commute that left me exhausted.

I didn’t recognize the person I’d become.

I used to be the woman who organized group events, hosted dinner parties and volunteered for everything. I held leadership roles and tried new things and thought of every day as an adventure.

This time last year, I wished my days away, just trying to get to the weekend or the holiday or the vacation.

I wasn’t enjoying my life, and I wasn’t taking care of myself.

Through months of therapy and personal development, I built a stronger self-awareness: a deeper sense of who I am and what matters to me.

I also left that job and chose to grow my own business. With my own rules. Where I could use my strengths and live my values every day.

And I’ve never been happier.

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Life Coaching, Wellbeing Jessica Dowches-Wheeler Life Coaching, Wellbeing Jessica Dowches-Wheeler

Release your fears with this simple, yet powerful technique

There’s one thing commonly at the core of our hesitations. It’s why we don’t take that step forward, try that new yoga class, launch a new product or service or look for a new job.

That one thing? Fear.

Fear is a natural response to the world around us. After all, our brains use fear to keep us safe. Think about it: when you’re about to get on a roller coaster or give a presentation to a new audience, you start to feel the physical symptoms of fear, like fast heartbeat, sweaty palms and butterflies in your stomach.

That’s normal. But, we run into trouble when we’re held back by our perceived fears. The fears that we worry about and agonize over that aren’t really things we need to be afraid of.

Things like public speaking, interviewing for a new job, asking someone on a date. Those are perceived fears. We fear the end result – something that hasn’t even happened!

The bad news is that those fears can cripple us, cause anxiety, depression and keep us in our comfort zones.

The good news: fear is only as powerful as we make it.

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Wellbeing Jessica Dowches-Wheeler Wellbeing Jessica Dowches-Wheeler

Don’t just be a boss babe, be a badass one with mindful eating

“Ugh, how is it I am so successful in so many areas of my life, but taking care of myself?”

Did I see a hand raise?

Are you one of those overly worked career people, who get everything done above and beyond the call of duty? Your boss praises you. Your friends love and adore you. Your family thinks the world of you. Everyone wants to be around you. The outside looks great, but you’re a freakin’ mess on the inside! If they only knew… you almost laugh, or maybe you do, out loud at the comments, “How do you do it all?” You do and you do it well, but at what cost?

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Wellbeing Jessica Dowches-Wheeler Wellbeing Jessica Dowches-Wheeler

How Self-Care Improves Productivity

Ever have one of those days where you feel like you’re floating through time: struggling to start a project, lacking the motivation to get out of bed, facing a blank screen without a clue what to write.

That’s where I am this week. Sometimes, when I feel stuck like this, I don’t even know what day it is!

It can be difficult to pull ourselves out of the cycle of overwhelm, confusion and disinterest.

The good news is that there is one simple thing we can do to give our brains a break and let inspiration flow naturally: practice self-care.

It may seem counterintuitive to allow yourself the time to step away from your work when you have competing deadlines and demanding clients. But it’s time to lose the guilt.

Making time for self-care will improve your productivity because it allows you to focus on the most important asset in your business – you!

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Life Coaching, Wellbeing Jessica Dowches-Wheeler Life Coaching, Wellbeing Jessica Dowches-Wheeler

How to move from anger to forgiveness

A few weeks ago, my mom was in a car accident which left her car totaled, her back fractured and fractured fingers on both hands. My sisters and I were very upset about the situation, because we all realized that if she had a different car, things could have been much worse.

We were all so angry when we heard about the accident. There was a terrible snowstorm that day, and another driver was driving too fast and lost control of his truck. He left the scene without a scratch on him, and my mom was rushed to the hospital in a neck brace.

We were angry at the other driver because he almost took away our only living parent. We were angry that she was the one who was hurt and would be out of work for 4 weeks. We were angry that he was driving so fast during a snowstorm, that he was even on the road at all.

But all that anger left us feeling helpless, depressed, frustrated. We were powerless to change the circumstances. Meanwhile, the man driving the truck doesn’t even know we exist.

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Life Coaching, Wellbeing Jessica Dowches-Wheeler Life Coaching, Wellbeing Jessica Dowches-Wheeler

What to do when you feel uninspired

We’ve all had those days where we feel like we’re floating through time: struggling to start a project, lacking the motivation to get out of bed, facing a blank screen without a clue what to write.

That’s where I am this week. Sometimes, when I feel stuck like this, I don’t even know what day it is!

It can be difficult to pull ourselves out of the cycle of overwhelm, confusion and disinterest.

The good news is that there are simple things we can do to give our brains a break and let inspiration flow naturally.

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Wellbeing, Life Coaching Jessica Dowches-Wheeler Wellbeing, Life Coaching Jessica Dowches-Wheeler

15 of My Favorite 30-day Challenges

My top strength is Competition. I love pushing myself to try new things, build new habits and improve my life.

30-day challenges speak to my soul! They’re a great way to try something new for a month. At the end of the challenge, if you like it, you can keep going on your own! If you don’t, you can move on to something else. The Sagittarius in me LOVES that there’s an end date.

Read on for my list of 15 favorite 30-day challenges.

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Wellbeing Jessica Dowches-Wheeler Wellbeing Jessica Dowches-Wheeler

Why I Had Enough of Social Media

And the brilliant reason I returned.

I didn’t have the energy to look at another baby picture or cat meme.

I was working 10-hour days and commuting an hour each way to a job I didn’t want. Sure, that was exhausting, but it was nothing compared to the crushing effects of the depression that seemed to creep in unannounced.

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Turn Your Strengths & Passions into a Thriving Business

Want a career you’ll actually love? Learn to turn your strengths and passions into a thriving business in three simple steps.

In this free 90-minute masterclass, you will:

  • Learn how to leverage your strengths, skills, and career experience to start a business that aligns with who you are

  • Understand how you can get paid for what you already know – at double (or triple!) your current rates

  • Unlock the steps to start a business where you can do what you love every day – and make a meaningful impact