Core Values Statement

Core Values are an essential piece of living your purpose and creating a business that makes an impact. When you know your Core Values, you can live a more intentional and authentic life.

A great way to do this is with a Core Values Statement like mine below. Read this article to learn more about creating your own Core Values Statement, and read mine below to learn more about what guides us here at Bright Space Coaching.


My Definition: Courage is about taking action, even when it’s scary, even when it’s unpopular, even if everyone else will think I’m crazy. It’s acting anyway, despite my own fears and insecurity, in service of others. Acting in the face of self-doubt, uncertainty, and hesitation. Courage is about making a statement with my action, leading with my heart, and showing up in fierce alignment with my purpose. It’s about being strong enough in my inner wisdom that I can tell my brain, “no thank you,” when it invites me to stop. Courage keeps me aligned and focused on my path and purpose.

How I live this Value: I’ve always lived by the quote, “Do one thing every day that scares you.” I think it’s been especially true after my dad died. I always saw him as the pillar of strength and courage, and to honor him, it’s important for me to embody those traits. I live Courage in the big moments and the small moments. I lean on Courage in the big moments like being the first person in my family to go to college and going to college 600 miles away from my home; taking promotions when I didn’t feel quite ready; leaving my six-figure job to work in my coaching business full time; and landing a leadership role in a new industry because I was brave enough to apply even though I didn’t meet all of the requirements. Courage also shows up for me in the small moments, like negotiating my salary (despite being called, “entitled” the first time I did it), writing my blog every week, speaking up when someone is being ignored in a meeting, applying to speak at a TEDx event (and any of my speaking events!), telling someone when they’ve said something to hurt me, getting on a plane to travel for work, dying my hair pink, then red, then back to blonde. It’s hard for me to think of a day when I didn’t need Courage.

What this Value teaches me: Courage teaches me that there are no big or small moments. It takes just as much courage to say yes to an opportunity as it does to speak up when something isn’t right. The activation energy required to act is the same, regardless if it’s raising my hand to volunteer for a new project or being vulnerable enough to admit my mistakes. Courage reminds me that there will always be fear and self-doubt, but I’ve worked past it before. I’ve done hard things before. I’ve navigated challenging situations at work and in my personal life, and I can do it again. As long as I’m in alignment with my purpose and who I’m meant to be, Courage will be there to give me the push I need.

When I’m out of alignment with this Value: I let my brain lead the way. I get caught up in the same old stories like, “Who am I to do this?” or “No one cares what you have to say,” or “you’re not the expert.” When I’m out of alignment with Courage, I acquiesce to these negative thought patterns, which keep me from taking action. Even though my heart may be telling me to speak up or step up or take action, if I’m out of alignment, I’m not speaking up or standing up for what’s right. And if I’m not acting, I’m not serving myself or others.

My Intention: To stay aligned to Courage, I will notice when I have fearful or doubtful thoughts and check in with them: is it my brain speaking or my heart? When my heart calls me into action, I will boldly step forward, despite fear or uncertainty, and trust that I’m being guided toward my purpose. I will speak out against sexism, racism, violence, oppression, and speak up about causes I’m passionate about. I will feel empowered, determined, motivated, and proud.

Related Values: Vulnerability, Wisdom, Alignment, Centeredness


My Definition: Curiosity is about taking nothing at face value. It’s about asking questions to get to the root of problems, to understand ourselves better, to get to know another person’s experience or perspective, and to challenge belief systems. To me, Curiosity is the foundation for Empathy. Empathy is about connecting to the experiences and emotions of another person; we can’t do that without Curiosity. It’s being willing to say, “I don’t know, but I’ll learn,” and approaching life with a beginner’s mind.

How I live this Value: I’ve been a seeker for as long as I can remember. Part of my nature is to constantly ask questions. Around age 10, I remember getting caught up in existential crises and asking, “why am I here? Why are any of us here?” I was one of those kids who never stopped asking, “why?” and I still do this today. My background is in process improvement, so I ask questions to help solve problems. In a more esoteric sense, I ask questions to challenge the status quo. In asking, “why,” I’m asking not only to understand, but to get creative and think about, “why not another way.” I ask questions in an introspective way to challenge myself. That’s why journaling is so important to me. It’s a way to get really curious about myself, my emotions, my reactions, my triggers, and use that information to move through the world. I use Curiosity to learn. I’m always reading, taking courses, learning as much as I can about topics that interest me. And I use Curiosity to learn about others. From a coaching perspective, my Curiosity helps me ask questions that help my clients work through their toughest challenges. I use Curiosity to put the pieces of the puzzle together for my clients and encourage them to get creative and keep their eyes open for another opportunity, path, or resource.

What this Value teaches me: Curiosity teaches me that nothing is fixed. Life is fluid, spiralic, evolving. By asking questions, you can get really clear on your own motivations, emotions, experiences, and beliefs. And you can get comfortable with challenging or changing those beliefs. Curiosity teaches me that questions help us grow; they help us develop our inner wisdom, and that we don’t have to be stuck in one way for our entire lives. Curiosity teaches me to trust my intuition and to ask a question when something doesn’t seem right. It helps me sort through the things that no longer serve me, so I can be at my highest and best to serve others.

When I’m out of alignment with this Value: I don’t listen to my intuition. I don’t look into things. I buy into the hype without getting to the root of the issue. I don’t explore why I’m experiencing certain emotions or reactions to events or thoughts. I stop asking questions; I assume or judge. I don’t journal, I don’t meditate, and I don’t think about how my inaction affects others.

My Intention: To stay aligned with Curiosity, I will strengthen my intuition and inner wisdom. I will get comfortable in the discomfort and ask myself why it’s easy for me to speak up about gender inequity and sexism in the workplace, but it’s difficult for me to speak up about racism. I’ll use Curiosity to get creative about how I can continue to serve women in bigger, bolder, and more inclusive ways. I’ll go beyond learning and speaking and use Curiosity to figure out what else I can do to move the needle. I’ll continue to learn and grow, be vulnerable enough to own my mistakes, and continue to do better. I’ll feel connected, empathetic, creative, and independent.

Related Values: Empathy, Compassion, Continuous Improvement, Creativity, Independence


My Definition: Impact is about making a difference. It’s about seeing the result of my intentions, behaviors, and actions. It’s not enough to want to do something or change something; it’s the follow through that really matters. Impact is transformation. Impact goes beyond what we can see as individuals. One person’s impact can create a ripple effect that impacts hundreds, thousands, or millions of people. That goes for a positive impact or a negative one, so it’s important to be mindful of the impact that our thoughts, words, and deeds have. Our words matter. Our actions matter. And changing the world with our impact matters. Impact is about finding solutions to the world’s problems – big or small. It’s creating a different outcome. What existed before is transformed. It’s about making a difference and seeing and owning that difference.

How I live this Value: This value guides my decisions and actions because it forces me to think about the impact of my intentions, especially in my business. It allows me to discern between activities that are fun or enjoyable but don’t produce a result, and ones that may be tedious or challenging but come with a bigger reward. This value also allows me to stay aligned with my goals. It’s important for me to ask myself if my actions will move me closer to my goals, and if not, what would. This value is also so important to me in working with clients and students. I want everyone who comes to my website to find resources that help them make mindset shifts or take aligned action, resulting in an impact to their lives. My mission is to make an impact, whether that’s in one person’s life or one thousand lives. It helps me consciously think about the content I create and determine whether someone can use that information to make a change in their life. If it doesn’t, I don’t publish it.

What this Value teaches me: Impact teaches me that my thoughts, words, and actions matter. It’s not enough to have a positive intention; I also have to pay attention to the impact. What result do my blogs have for others? How do my weekly emails affect the people who read them? Will they be able to take action from this information? Have my words caused harm for someone? I can always do better, and this value helps me to take a step back, consider the impact, then choose the thought, word or action that will have the most positive or beneficial impact. That goes for my own thoughts, too! I recognize that my thoughts impact my reality. If I don’t believe in myself, or if I’m shrinking, I’m not serving others. I’m not taking action or changing the world. But I can always shift my thoughts to have a different impact in my own life, and in the lives of others.

When I’m out of alignment with this Value: I take actions that don’t move me closer to my goal. I might get caught in an overwhelm cycle and not take any action, or I might choose to do the easiest thing on my to-do list, even if it doesn’t have the biggest impact. I know I’m out of alignment with this value when I say something that hurts someone else, or if I cause harm with my words. And I’m out of alignment with this value if I’m not speaking up about something I believe in, or if I don’t stand up for what’s right. Staying silent is part of the problem, and it creates its own ripple effect.

My Intention: To live in alignment with Impact, I intend to use this value as a compass. I will practice mindfulness and presence to have the awareness to step back, reflect on my thoughts, words, or actions before moving forward, asking if what I have to say/do is in alignment with my goals or my truth. I will only create content that serves my community and helps them make change in their own lives. I will use my platform to make a difference in Black, brown, and other marginalized communities. I will continue working toward my BSAG of closing the global gender pay gap. I will continue to create a ripple effect of women helping women achieve more.

Related Values: Change, Achievement, Influence, Significance


My Definition: Justice is about equity. It’s about acknowledging what’s unfair or inequitable in the world, understanding the reality of what’s behind the inequity, and taking action toward changing it. It’s not enough to wish things were different, or feel angered or shocked at the state of the world. True justice is about having the courage to stand up, speak out, and make a change. Justice is also learning about what the world needs and how we can each do our part to contribute to serving others. It’s about listening to those we want to serve to understand the challenges and systems contributing to the lack of equity. Justice is including and amplifying the voices of marginalized people to reach a common goal together.

How I live this Value: I started Bright Space Coaching because I was enraged that women make less money than men for performing the same work. In organizations where I worked, I noticed very few women in leadership positions, and even fewer women of color. I knew this wasn’t right, and I wanted to do something about it. I started by working with women to find their voice, their strengths, and their leadership style to advance into leadership roles. Over time, I realized that wasn’t enough to close the gender gap. Every woman has a purpose, no matter her background, resources, skin tone, country of origin, or education level. We’re all here to contribute to the world in some way. Now, I teach women how to discover and live their purpose, because if every woman lived her purpose, every need in the world would be met. This is a huge part of how I live Justice every day, yet I know I can do more.

What this Value teaches me: Justice teaches me that actions speak louder than words. It teaches me the importance of listening and connecting to the experiences of others to truly understand the emotions and needs underpinning injustice. Justice teaches me to ask questions, to look at the systems creating inequity, and to learn and understand why things are the way they are. Without this understanding, it’s easy to act in a performative way, or in a way that causes further harm. To create change around injustice, the solutions need to come from the stories and experiences of the ones you’re trying to serve.

When I’m out of alignment with this Value: I let fear stop me from taking action. I focus on only what I know to be true in the moment rather than seeking out and listening to the stories of others. I bend to the systems of white supremacy and white feminism rather than including all women in my mission. I overlook where I’m contributing to racism and sexism because it’s often easier to go along with the status quo. I don’t educate my family and friends about their contribution to racism or sexism because I’m afraid of confrontation and how they’ll react. I let fear prevent me from doing what I know to be right and from aligning to my purpose.

My Intention: To live in alignment with Justice, I intend to be more inclusive in my language and services. I know we’ll never reach gender parity without focusing on Black women, Hispanic women, and women from underserved nations, and I intend to spend more time listening to and amplifying the voices of these women. It’s important to me to learn from their experiences of injustice in the workplace, in their communities, and in society at large. These experiences are what will change the world. These are the women who will change the world, and it’s up to me to use my position, my platform, and my privilege to speak out and create radical change in racist systems and structures.

Related Values: Diversity, Inclusion, Equity, Fairness, Respect, Service


My Definition: I believe that every woman has power within her. Power to choose her thoughts and emotions, power to say yes to herself, power to look deeply within to better understand herself. Power is a strong sense of self. It’s a self-awareness that comes from choosing to learn more about ourselves. From taking the time to think through our beliefs, emotions, behaviors, and effects. From identifying our strengths, core values, passions, and purpose. Power is using our inner wisdom to radically transform our thoughts, our relationships, and our lives. And this can only come from within. Empower means to give power to someone. I can’t empower you, and you can’t empower me. You already have power inside you, and it’s up to you to bring it out.

How I live this Value: I spend time in introspection every day. I do this through journaling, meditation, and my Tarot practice. I believe self-awareness is the foundation for making any change in our lives, and I model the way by taking the time to understand myself. It’s not always easy, especially when working through challenging emotions or understanding my reactions to different triggers or events. I live Power by teaching self-awareness practices in my coaching business, specifically focusing on journaling. I believe journaling is a powerful way to connect to ourselves, and it can be a tremendous healing exercise. Healing itself is powerful. Listening to my inner wisdom is powerful. Aligning to my strengths, values, passions, and purpose is powerful.

What this Value teaches me: Power teaches me that we are all unique, we each have something to contribute, and we’re all in this together. It teaches me that I don’t have to be afraid to share my ideas and beliefs with the world. That my strengths are mine for a reason. Power teaches me that this foundational self-awareness is critical in terms of finding and living my purpose. Power teaches me to notice the self-doubt and impostor thoughts in my head and confidently move forward anyway. Power teaches me that confidence only comes from taking action, and I can build confidence by continuing to move forward in alignment with my values and purpose.

When I’m out of alignment with this Value: I allow myself to shrink. I let fear stop me from pursuing my purpose. I let fear stop me from helping others. I don’t speak my truth. I stand on the sidelines. Tactically, this means I don’t write a new blog post, I procrastinate on the online course I want to create, or I allow mistakes to get in my way. When I’m out of alignment with Power, I ruminate on what I did wrong instead of learning and growing from my mistakes. I worry about what people will think rather than trusting my own wisdom and guidance.

My Intention: To stay in alignment with Power, I will continue to prioritize my self-awareness practices of journaling and Tarot. I will recommit to my meditation practice and deepen it through practicing qigong. I will also recommit to my exercise routine. Exercising helps me stay grounded by releasing some of the anxious energy that keeps me stuck in negative thought spirals. I will commit to writing my blogs and emails every week and build on that momentum by writing every day. Even if it’s just a few lines, I know my words have the power to help someone, and I’m robbing someone of seeing those words if I don’t put them out there. I will commit to putting myself out there to live my purpose in Power. I will feel energized, confident, accomplished, and proud of myself.

Related Values: Strength, Confidence, Control, Independence, Self-Awareness