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9 Ways to Deepen Trust in Your Intuition
Have you ever had a hunch that came true?
Do you have an uncanny knack for guessing what will happen next in a movie?
Are you “always right” when it comes to sensing bad intentions in others?
If you said yes to any of the above, then you have a strong intuition!
The real question is: how often do you trust or follow your intuition?
I’ve always been an intuitive person, but in grad school, I didn’t trust my hunches or nudges.
When the professor asked the class a question, I almost always knew the answer, but I never raised my hand. Then, when someone else raised their hand and got the answer right, I always kicked myself for not trusting in myself.
I also got really close to a woman who ended up becoming my worst enemy. I always thought to myself, “I should have listened to my gut!”
Have you had any experiences like that?
Deepening trust in your intuition is an important way to build sustainable confidence in yourself. It can also help you make better decisions, avoid disappointing relationships, and gain the clarity you need to take the next steps in your path.
It might seem like magic (and those moments when you do trust your intuition often are!), but there are real and tangible ways you can deepen trust in your intuition so you can make better decisions for your life.
How to Overcome Limiting Beliefs and Achieve Your Goals
Where do you want to be six months from now?
Do you believe you have what it takes to get there, or do your beliefs about yourself stand in the way of achieving that goal?
Limiting beliefs are the thoughts you have about yourself, your business, your life, or any given situation that hold you back from achieving what you want.
They prevent you from moving forward toward your goals because you believe you cannot achieve your desires, or that they are not available to you.
If you’re struggling to start something new or achieve a goal you’ve had for years, chances are your thoughts about yourself and your situation may have something to do with it.
My Favorite Resources for Building Confidence
Building sustainable confidence doesn’t happen overnight.
You might be saying your affirmations, writing your journal prompts, making a list of your accomplishments, and feeling great.
Then one day, someone calls you “too much” or a presentation doesn’t go as planned or you don’t enroll the new client after a discovery call.
When you don’t have a firm trust in yourself and believe in your capacity for success, one small curve in the path can send you into an impostor spiral.
I get it, because I’ve been there.
In fact, all it took was one feedback session with a former manager where she personally attacked me and my coaching business for me to totally lose all the confidence it took a lifetime to build.
How to Have Confidence in Who You Are
Have you ever been called, “too much?”
How about, “too quiet,” or “too sensitive?”
Those judgements from others about how we should be can erode our confidence.
Especially when they come from people we love and admire.
In Luvvie Ajayi Jones’ new book, Professional Troublemaker: The Fear-Fighter Manual, she says that when someone calls you “too” something, it’s more of a statement on them than it is on you.
Still, it can be hard to remember that in the moment, or when those words begin to fill you with self-doubt.
By knowing and owning who you are, you can begin to build confidence in yourself that withstands hurtful criticism from others.
Because when you stand strong in who you are, no one can take that away from you.
How to Build Confidence by Trusting Yourself
Confidence is a feeling or belief that you can rely on something or someone – including yourself.
It’s a deep trust in your ability to achieve the goals and success you desire, yet so many of us experience lower levels of confidence because we’ve broken trust with ourselves.
And once that trust is broken, it can be hard to get it back.
Here’s the thing about confidence: It can either propel you forward to achieve your dreams or hold you back for fear of failure.
And if confidence is a feeling or belief, you can use the BE YOU Mental Model to identify your Beliefs, Emotions, Behaviors and Effects and make the shifts necessary to build deeper trust in yourself and your ability to be successful.
7 Journal Prompts to Boost Your Confidence
What would you do with more confidence?
Would you step outside your comfort zone and try something new?
Would you hit “publish” on your first blog post?
Would you matter-of-factly state your prices without fear of rejection?
If confidence doesn’t come easily for you, it might be overwhelming to consider taking powerful action or doing the things that scare you.
In that case, journaling is a great way to build confidence, because when you journal, you begin to deepen your connection with your inner world in a supportive environment.
You start to build trust in yourself, and you start to understand yourself better.
The act of journaling also helps you replace old, negative thought patterns or limiting beliefs with new, empowering thoughts and abundant beliefs.
How to Set Your New Year’s Goals the Right Way
It’s that time of year again!
A time for review, reflection, renewal.
A time to show gratitude for the things we’ve learned, the experiences that shaped us, and the mistakes that paved our path.
I love this time of year because it's easy to feel a sense of wonder and possibility. Holiday spirit is abundant, people are giving and generous, and those feelings are contagious.
It's also a perfect time of year to reflect on your life. Did you accomplish what you set out to this year? What lessons and gifts did life bring your way? What are you most proud of?
Spending time reflecting on the previous year also sets you up to plan your year ahead. By appreciating the memories, lessons, events, and experiences of the past year, you begin to understand what you want more of in the new year, and what you'd rather leave behind.
34 Life Lessons to Celebrate My 34th Year
One of my favorite ways to celebrate my birthday each year is to spend time reflecting on what I learned over the past year (and years) of my life.
This activity allows me to acknowledge and celebrate my successes, learn from my mistakes, stay grounded in my truth, and set goals for my next year.
Similar to a Year in Review exercise, this is a simple way to come back to yourself. Setting aside time and space for reflection is an important component of aligned introspection.
Knowing yourself is a powerful tool that will fuel you on your journey to living your purpose, and by taking the time to consider how you’ve grown each year, you’re sending a message to the Universe that you’re ready for more.
How to Improve Your Self-Awareness to Get Clear on Your Goals
Are you the type of person who takes immediate action, confident that you’ve chosen the right path?
Or, are you more the type of person who needs to ask for everyone’s opinion – your friends, family, spirit guides, therapist, the stranger in line at the grocery store – before you take even the smallest step toward your goals?
Or perhaps it’s a combination of both. In some cases, you feel really clear about your next steps or decisions that you’re making, but when it comes to the major things, like finding your life purpose, you can’t seem to get the clarity you’re seeking.
The good news is: there’s only one path.
No matter if you think you made the wrong decision, or that you’re on the wrong path, or taking the wrong actions, you’re exactly where you’re meant to be.
You can build trust your inner compass through self-awareness and aligned introspection.
How to Use Tarot for Personal Growth
When I share my love of Tarot with others, usually the first reaction I get is “Will I get a card that tells me I’m going to die?”
Which is why I’ve been so reticent to share this important spiritual practice here on my blog.
There are so many misconceptions about Tarot – it’s the Devil’s work, it’s for witches, it’s evil… you name it, I’ve heard it.
Most people are afraid of what they don’t know. We’re afraid of uncertainty, potential disappointment, possible harm or tragedy.
And seeing those things reflected back to us in a card is almost like holding up a mirror to our lives. But not in the way you might think.
Tarot is not a tool to predict the future or report on the past. Rather, it’s a spiritual practice that helps you center yourself in aligned introspection.
5 Ways to Increase Your Confidence Now
What would you do with more confidence?
Would you boldly pursue your passion and live your purpose?
Would you ask for the raise or promotion you deserve?
Would you put yourself out there to make new friends or attract your dream clients?
Sure, confidence can help you achieve all of those things.
But the truth is: you don’t need confidence to take big steps like that.
In fact, taking the big step creates confidence.
But in between those steps, you can build confidence over time. With smaller, more manageable actions you can start today.
7 Common Questions About Finding Your Purpose
Thinking about finding your purpose in life? Wondering what you’re meant to do, but don’t know where to start? Or maybe you think you found your purpose, but you’re not really sure.
If this sounds like you, you’re in good company!
These are the same questions I’m constantly asked by women like you, who are looking for more meaning and fulfillment in their lives.
Finding your purpose can feel like a daunting task. It’s overwhelming to think about the one thing you’re meant to do with your life and how you’re going to get there.
Trust me when I say, it’s not as difficult as it seems to find your life purpose. You might just need some reassurance.
How Core Values Help You Find Your Purpose
Core values are the fundamental beliefs you have about your life.
They guide your behaviors, decisions, and actions. They bring about a sense of purpose and self-worth. They remind you what’s important to you and what you want more of in your life.
When you know what’s important to you, you can live in alignment with those values. This leads to greater fulfillment, clarity and self-awareness.
This self-awareness allows you to discover your purpose.
Your life purpose is who you are at your core. Identifying your core values brings you back to your center.
Values remind you who you are and who you’re meant to be in the world. They’re gentle guide rails to keep us on our path and help us choose actions that are aligned with what we really want.
When we find what we really want, we can truly live our purpose. And if every woman lived her purpose, every need in the world would be met.
How to Build Self-Worth with a Morning Ritual
How often do you put yourself first?
If you’re like most women I know, then it’s not often.
As women, we’re wired to care about the needs of others, to make everyone around us feel comfortable and taken care of. That’s an important quality of a strong, feminine leader.
That same line of thinking also creates opportunity for comparison. We’re constantly comparing ourselves to those around us, putting others on pedestals, and thinking that their needs are more important than our own.
We think if we selflessly give to others, or sacrifice what we want for what other people want, we’ll get those people to like and respect us. We derive our sense of value from the approval of others.
And in doing so, we’re sending a signal to our brain that we’re not worthy of spending time on ourselves. That we don’t deserve to put ourselves first because other people need us.
Putting someone else’s needs before your own makes you believe, even subconsciously, that they are inherently more worthy than you.
3 Mindset Shifts You Need to Make Before You Start Your Job Search
You’ve built up great skills and experience in your current role, and now you’re ready to move on to the next level.
Or maybe you’ve spent the past ten years in the same company or field, and now you’re ready to shift gears and transition to a new industry.
Or perhaps you’re struggling to keep yourself motivated at a job that doesn’t align with your values, or one where your ideas or opinions are constantly challenged.
Whatever situation you find yourself in, you’re ready to look for a new job.
You know the tactical things you need to do before starting your job search – updating your resume and LinkedIn profile, reaching out to former colleagues or mentors to learn about job opportunities, making a list of the top companies or job titles you’ll search for.
But you may be overlooking the most powerful tool in your job search arsenal: your mindset.
Why You Need a Personal Mission Statement
This time last year, I could barely get off the couch. I was in a job that destroyed my confidence, I was drinking too much, and I had a long commute that left me exhausted.
I didn’t recognize the person I’d become.
I used to be the woman who organized group events, hosted dinner parties and volunteered for everything. I held leadership roles and tried new things and thought of every day as an adventure.
This time last year, I wished my days away, just trying to get to the weekend or the holiday or the vacation.
I wasn’t enjoying my life, and I wasn’t taking care of myself.
Through months of therapy and personal development, I built a stronger self-awareness: a deeper sense of who I am and what matters to me.
I also left that job and chose to grow my own business. With my own rules. Where I could use my strengths and live my values every day.
And I’ve never been happier.
How to Overcome Fear and Build Confidence
Oh boy, this is a big one.
We’ve all had moments in our lives when fear stopped us from doing something. Whether that was setting up an online dating profile, buying a new car or starting a new job. Think about a time in your life when fear stopped you in your tracks. What thoughts ran through your head? What emotions did you experience?
I’ve pushed through a lot of fearful thoughts in my life: I was afraid to go to college 10 hours away from my family, I was afraid to leave my six-figure job for an uncertain future, and I was afraid to start coaching. My dad passed away in 2011, and the one thing he taught me that I continue to teach others is to always do the thing that scares you.
Because here’s the thing about fear: it’s only as powerful as you make it.
How Self-Awareness Builds Confidence
Ever have that feeling that you just don’t fit in?
Maybe it’s at work or with a new group of friends. You try really hard to impress them, you give up part of who you are to be like who they are, but at the end of the day, something doesn’t feel right.
That’s how I felt in my last day job. I knew the organization’s values were different from my own, but I didn’t want that to be an issue because I cared deeply about the work I was doing.
But it was always an issue because I wasn’t being true to myself. My confidence plummeted, I felt like I could never live up to who my boss wanted me to be, and I lost a sense of who I was.
That sense? That’s self-awareness. That feeling that what you’re doing isn’t matching up with who you are on the inside. That inner wisdom that you stand for something bigger, or you’re meant for something more.
Self-awareness is the most important quality any woman can have. When we focus our attention on ourselves, we evaluate and compare our current behavior to our internal standards and values.
Knowing and understanding ourselves are powerful guides toward living our best life. Improving our self-awareness builds confidence to help direct us on our life’s path.
Turn Your Strengths & Passions into a Thriving Business
Want a career you’ll actually love? Learn to turn your strengths and passions into a thriving business in three simple steps.
In this free 90-minute masterclass, you will:
Learn how to leverage your strengths, skills, and career experience to start a business that aligns with who you are
Understand how you can get paid for what you already know – at double (or triple!) your current rates
Unlock the steps to start a business where you can do what you love every day – and make a meaningful impact