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The Bright Space Blog
Uncover your strengths, step into your power, and grow your business like the boss you know you can be.
How to Reframe Negative Thoughts to Build Confidence
Have you heard that we think more than 50,000 thoughts per day?
Well, new research shows that number is actually closer to 6,200 thoughts.
Still, that’s a lot to process every day. That’s about 258 thoughts per hour or 4 thoughts per minute!
And how many of those thoughts are negative?
If you’re like most women, negative thoughts are almost part of your DNA.
You may not even notice how often you think negative thoughts about yourself, because they’re so ingrained in your thought process.
Negative thoughts erode your confidence by causing you to lose trust in yourself. And a deep trust is the foundation for building sustainable confidence.
If negative thinking is your default thought process, read on to learn how to reframe your thinking and choose empowering thoughts instead.
How to Overcome Limiting Beliefs and Achieve Your Goals
Where do you want to be six months from now?
Do you believe you have what it takes to get there, or do your beliefs about yourself stand in the way of achieving that goal?
Limiting beliefs are the thoughts you have about yourself, your business, your life, or any given situation that hold you back from achieving what you want.
They prevent you from moving forward toward your goals because you believe you cannot achieve your desires, or that they are not available to you.
If you’re struggling to start something new or achieve a goal you’ve had for years, chances are your thoughts about yourself and your situation may have something to do with it.
3 Mindset Shifts You Need to Make Before You Start Your Job Search
You’ve built up great skills and experience in your current role, and now you’re ready to move on to the next level.
Or maybe you’ve spent the past ten years in the same company or field, and now you’re ready to shift gears and transition to a new industry.
Or perhaps you’re struggling to keep yourself motivated at a job that doesn’t align with your values, or one where your ideas or opinions are constantly challenged.
Whatever situation you find yourself in, you’re ready to look for a new job.
You know the tactical things you need to do before starting your job search – updating your resume and LinkedIn profile, reaching out to former colleagues or mentors to learn about job opportunities, making a list of the top companies or job titles you’ll search for.
But you may be overlooking the most powerful tool in your job search arsenal: your mindset.
How to Push Past Limiting Beliefs in a Male-Dominated Field
I had known since I was little that I would be going to college to get a degree, although the degree of choice changed a little over the years, from marine biology to architecture to engineering. I was fortunate to have parents that told me I could be and do anything that I wanted, and supportive mentors and teachers throughout high school. When I got to college, things changed a little…
Fixing Feminism: Why We Don't Think We're Enough
Girl on girl crime is rampant. I am consistently asked during my trainings and coaching sessions why women are often the harshest critics of other women. The multi-layered problem is driven by the idea of scarcity: that there are only a few spots at the top for women, and in order to obtain a coveted place on the podium, you must compete with other women. The commodifying language often used in male dominated work spaces further contribute to this myth: Which one are you? The one from Michigan or Northwestern? As though the leadership team is comparing tomatoes at a farmer’s market when talking about the few women on the team.
Turn Your Strengths & Passions into a Thriving Business
Want a career you’ll actually love? Learn to turn your strengths and passions into a thriving business in three simple steps.
In this free 90-minute masterclass, you will:
Learn how to leverage your strengths, skills, and career experience to start a business that aligns with who you are
Understand how you can get paid for what you already know – at double (or triple!) your current rates
Unlock the steps to start a business where you can do what you love every day – and make a meaningful impact