You’re The Natural!


You were born to lead! Whether you’re a big sister, the President of your high school class, the lead on an exciting project, or the Chair of a non-profit board, people automatically look to you for your leadership prowess.

You’re always reading up on the latest leadership trends and tactics, learning how you can hone your craft. You’re a continuous learner and believe that personal and professional development are the keys to your success.

You excel at leading others because you’ve learned first to lead yourself. Because everyone needs good leaders like you, it’s easy for you to overcommit yourself. Learning how to graciously say no to things that aren’t your priority are key.


"Courage starts with showing up and letting ourselves be seen."

Brené Brown

At Your Best

You thrive on being involved in many activities, both at work and in your personal life. You have a large social network, and everyone knows they can count on you to take you responsibilities seriously. You’re also a master delegator and assign tasks with ease – and you know how to gracefully hold people accountable for following through! You’d be hard-pressed to find a better leader, because leading comes so naturally for you. And when you’re in a leadership role, you always bring your A game.

At Your Stressed

Because you love having a full calendar, it’s easy for you to overcommit. Prioritizing which event to attend or which committee to chair can lead you into analysis paralysis. You don’t want to disappoint anyone, and you want to be sure you can give your all. At times, you can be so excited about a new project that you immediately assume the lead, without realizing it could be a good growth opportunity for someone on your team. While other times, you think that if leading comes so easily for you, maybe you’re actually not that good at it.

How Others See You

As a Leader: Your team members love having you as a leader because they always know where they stand with you. You easily delegate tasks to give others a chance to succeed, and you give both positive and negative feedback freely. Your team members won’t be surprised when it comes time for performance reviews. You handle difficult situations with tact, and your team appreciates that you seem to care about them as a person, not just as an employee.

As a Peer: Your colleagues love working with you on projects, because you’re a take-charge kind of leader. You assign tasks and follow up to hold everyone, including yourself, accountable for getting things done. And, your meetings always start and end on time. You’re also a great communicator, and your peers appreciate your direct and fluid communication style. Peers often come to you for advice on people-management issues, and they see you as someone they aspire to.

As a Direct Report: Your leader trusts that you can handle anything they throw your way. They constantly give you new opportunities and responsibilities because they trust your ability to get things done. Your leader knows what a great leader you are and is already planning ahead for your next role. They can see you in the top ranks in your organization, and they’ll advocate for you to get there.

A few more things…

What Gets You Out of Bed in the Morning: You’re energized by collaboration and making an impact for organizations. The opportunity to solve a problem and make a difference, and see the results of that difference, is what keeps you going.

What Keeps You Up at Night: At times, you’re plagued by impostor syndrome, of thinking you don’t really deserve all the opportunities and roles you play. You worry that someone will find out that you’re actually a fraud, that you’re really not as good as they thought you were, and that you’ll lose everything.

Working with Other Types: Any of the other types can learn from your innate ability to lead, but you can help The Enigma to hone her people management and delegation skills. You can work with The Superstar and learn how to take your communication skills to the next level, especially if you’re ready to share your leadership knowledge with the world.

How to Shine: Keep reading and learning. Find time to lead something you’re passionate about, like taking on a volunteer role for a cause you love, or running for local office. Combining your passion with your inherent strengths will get you closer to finding your purpose.

Your Powerful Action Roadmap


Now that you know your Firepower Leadership Style, how can you use this knowledge to create change within your organization?


>> Action 1: Make personal development a habit. Impostor Syndrome is no joke - and it’s not your fault. You need to unlearn harmful thought patterns by reframing negative or self-defeating thoughts, cultivating deeper self-love, and showing genuine appreciation for what you already have - your strengths, experience, and knowledge. Consistent, intentional practices like journaling, meditation, and connecting to your intuition can help take you from fear of the unknown to faith in yourself.

>> Action 2: Find your crew. When you’re working to improve yourself or your organization, it’s important to surround yourself with people that love and support you, no matter what. Especially if you’re the “only” one of you in your organization. Find an accountability partner who shares a similar personal or professional goal, and check in with them every day. You can also join a Meetup group in your area or virtual networking group where you can build a strong network. If you want to take this work to your organization, start an affinity group or women’s leadership group at work. There’s so much power in peer support, because together, we rise.

>> Action 3: Ignite your spark. Start from where you’re at. You have so much knowledge, experience, and inner wisdom that you can tap into immediately. You don’t have to wait until you get another certification or until you’ve worked a certain number of years before you can make the changes you want to see. You are a leader no matter where you’re sitting today. You have the power to use your leadership style to make the workplace a better place for women. And we need more women like you at the top, where the decisions are made. Consider what you can do, and start small! You can start by highlighting the work of a female coworker or asking for your organization to reimburse leadership coaching. Your spark can set the world on fire, and all it takes is that first step.


Take action now:

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Each day, you’ll receive a quick video designed to kick start your professional growth, build your confidence, and help you create change from the inside out.


There’s no right or wrong style of leadership. In fact, each of us has qualities of all nine styles! This style may be your dominant style, or the one you rely on most often.

If this style doesn’t resonate with you, explore the other Firepower Leadership Styles to find your perfect fit!